If you have water leaking into your home, then you need a professional roofing contractor such as My Florida Roofing Contractor to get up there on the roof to have a look to see where the Roof Repair is needed. You need to have this issue addressed right away as you know in Florida there can be a lot of rain.

Allowing a roof leak to water into your home would cause a lot of damage to your home over time. The water could severely damage the structure of your home and even create a very hazardous mold problem. Both of these issues are real safety concerns, so roof repair always need to be done as soon as possible.

If you notice that there is still water sitting on your roof after a period of 48 hours, then you indeed need to have some roof repair done.

. Maybe the slope is not quite right for the roof line to allow water to drain away properly. We can have a look to see what needs to be done about the situation and provide you with the best recommendations.

If you notice broken or rusted flashing, feel free to give us a call. We will be very happy to take a look at the problem and correct the damaged area for you. When shingles are curling, cracked, lose or missing, then you know that you have a serious problem and that you need the pros like us to get new shingles on there for you. This does not always mean that you have to replace the entire roof. But sometimes it does mean that the entire roof has to be replaced if the damage is exceedingly extensive.

If you notice that your roof is sagging, you had better give us a call right away; because a sagging roof is very serious. It is a structural issue that needs to be corrected immediately. If a roof is left to sag too long, the building could collapse and could harm folks. Safety is always a first priority, so we will do our best to do what we can about that sagging roof.

Maybe you don’t know where the water is coming in, but you know there is a problem somewhere because you see water stain spots on your ceiling. Give us a call as we can check your roof out to let you know the exact point where water is getting in; and we can fix the problem immediately, so that no more water gets into your home.

We here at My Florida Roofing Contractor take pride in what we do. We are knowledgeable and have much experience. We are very pleased to have served many satisfied customers. We are here for you and are glad to answer any questions that you may have. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.

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