There are multiple materials which are used to keep the roof from being damaged. The roof is considered very important in the house structure because it provides shelter that is why a roof should be properly maintained. If the roof gets damaged, then you need residential roof maintenance services. Our company My Florida Roofing Contractor has been in the business of residential roof maintenance services since 2003. We provide the solutions for your roof maintenance in Sunrise and Coconut Creek Florida. Other locations include Vero Beach, Port St Lucie, Sebastian, Fellsmere, Stuart, and Fort Pierce.

Does your community have a residential roof maintenance services in case of any roof damage?

Typically, there are issues of cluttered gutters, alligator back asphalt, bubble moisture within the roof ceiling, or damaged metal flashing at home. If you have one of these problems, then it’s probably your damaged roof. You might be living under the expired roof and risking your lives. So, if you don’t have a program or any insurance for the roof of your home then you need to contact My Florida Roofing Contractors. Our company will run a complete analysis of roof, which will evaluate the deficiencies and further plan of residential roof maintenance services.

New Roof:

When a new roof is your only option, the most vital things are the cost and the life expectancy, then comes the design and architecture of the roof. There are the five basic components to consider.

1. Roof covering: You can use any material such as metal, tile, shingle, or slate.
2. Sheathing: It is actually a structural material like plywood that is nailed to bind so that it provides a covers a house or building.
3. Roof structure: For better protection, rafters and trusses are constructed to support the sheathing of a roof.
4. Flashing: A weather-tight seal is used to prevent leakage.
5. Drainage System: Drainage system redirects the water from the roof to the surrounding ground areas. The roofs’ shape, slope and layout affect the ability to redirect water.

Our Company My Florida Roofing Contractor deals with all kinds of roof materials including Slate, metal, concrete, shingle, and clay.

Metal Roofs: Metal Roofs have been around since forever and are great options for those looking to add extra value, durability, curb appeal and better wind-resistance roof system. A metal roof is available in several colors and styles.

Tile Roofs: Just like the clay tile, the concrete tiles are available in a broad range of styles, colors, and designs. Concrete tiles are created using the proportions of sand, water and cement. Slate, concrete and clay are considered the most durable roofing products in the world.

Roof Shingles: We have quite a range of shingles roofing. All the types of roofing shingles are different based on size, thickness, shape, material and color. Here are their highlights:

• Slate: A natural rock is mined and then cut to make slate shingles or slate tiles. It is considered a long lasting roof material.

• Solar Shingles: These types of shingles are the latest among others and are used all across the world. They double the energy producing system and are Eco-friendly but way expensive.

• Fiberglass Shingles: A modern version of shingles is fiberglass that serves many purposes. It is considered as an affordable alternative to old-style roofing shingles and pretty easy to install and fix.

• Asphalt: These are frequently utilized roofing materials for residential roof maintenance services because of their easiness to install and fixation. Its major kinds are Premium, Dimensional Asphalt and Strip Asphalt.

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